Summer Programs
Preschoolers and School-age Day Programs
Staffed with EEC certified personnel, Summers at PI provide a great balance of supervised and planned activities and free play time in a safe, relaxed, and secure environment. We work hard to promote creativity, cooperation, and respect, but most of all FUN! The summer day programs run for 9 weeks and offer a wide variety of activities including swim lessons and free swim, arts and crafts, theater, dance, cookouts and parties and weekly themes. We also hold biweekly theater and dance productions!
Preschool: 2 yrs. 9 mos. – 5 yrs.
School Age: 5 yrs. – 13 yrs.
P.I. Hours
Full Day – 8:30-5:00 (5 days a week)
Mornings Only – 8:30-12:30 (5 days a week)
Afternoons Only – 12:30-5:00 (5 days a week)
Early Morning Care – 7:30-8:30
Weekly Theme Days
Every week of Summer program at PI has a theme that incorporates special guests and activities. Stop in to take a tour and find out this year’s themes!
Things to Remember!
Tuition is due in one full week prior to the start of each session. NO refunds will be issued! Payment is expected for the registered sessions even if your child does not attend.
Cancellations of a session are only accepted with a 2-week written notice. We will NOT accept verbal cancellations or cancellations over the phone.
There is a $20 non-refundable/non-transferable registration fee.
Registrations are accepted on a first-come first serve basis, as space is limited.
Proof of physical and immunization is required before your child can start attending!
Note: We will be closed on Monday, July 5th. Weekly tuition will stay the same.